Sexually Transmitted Death


The most prevalent of the std batch is now thought to be the human papillomavirus (hpv), which is incurable. If contracted by women, it puts them at an especially high risk of cancer of the cervix or vagina. Approximately 2 million women per year become infected with hpv. One health professional quoted by Mary Eberstadt says this about hpv: “It has the dubious distinction of being one of the few causes of cancer we know about, and is directly responsible for 99.7 percent of cervical cancer cases and the deaths of nearly 5,000 women per year” (Home-Alone America).

Think about that. A thousand soldiers die in Iraq and the liberal media label it a “quagmire.” Five thousand women die every year because of cervical cancer brought on by the human papillomavirus, and we hear practically nothing.

The media blackout on the subject of stds—particularly their rampant spread among teens—is inexcusable. For many teens, stds mean you have sores that can be treated with a cream. In fact, stds kill people by the thousands every year. And even if not deadly, others can cause life-long complications like infertility, complications with childbirth and birth defects.