Week in Review: Iran’s Windfall, Stalin’s Revival, the Pope’s Apology, Gender Fluidity Curriculum, and More

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Week in Review: Iran’s Windfall, Stalin’s Revival, the Pope’s Apology, Gender Fluidity Curriculum, and More

All you need to know about everything in the news this week.

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Global embrace of Iran

  • Iran in enjoying quite a windfall since sanctions have been lifted—countries around the world are rolling out the red carpet and doing business with the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism.
  • Commentary says Iranian extortion is paying off and that the sudden embrace of Iran bodes ill for Israel and for the whole world.
  • The relevance of this is explained in Trumpet managing editor Joel Hilliker’s article “Iran’s Implementation Day: A Landmark for the Middle East.”
  • Putin presides over rehabilitation of Stalin

  • “Fearful of unrest, Russia’s president is using the memory of Stalin to exhort his people to sacrifice,” wrote Foreign Policy this week.
  • The memory of Stalin is being sanitized. No longer is he viewed as the tyrant responsible for the darkest chapter in Russian history, or as the man responsible for the torture and death of millions of his own people. Today, he is seen as the heroic figure who defeated Nazi Germany.
  • Why? Because Putin is alarmed by the economic decay Russia is experiencing. He’s afraid that the Russians will reach a breaking point and blame him for their suffering. So he has turned to the ghost of Stalin to help rally the people and prepare them for more hardships on the horizon.
  • Pope Francis is sorry for erstwhile Catholic persecution of Protestants

  • Pope Francis is apologizing to Protestants for past Catholic persecution.
  • He asked “forgiveness for the un-gospel-like behavior by Catholics towards Christians of other churches,” according to Reuters.
  • This is paving the way for reconciliation between the Catholic Church and its “daughter” churches.
  • Is there such a thing as male and female?

  • The UK is teaching school-aged children about gender on a sliding scale of gender fluidity, specifically, how the biological reality of male and female doesn’t matter—it’s all about what gender you want to be.
  • This is another result of the feminist revolution of the 1960s. Feminists argued that gender is not a biological fact, but a social construct—and one that needed to be dismantled.
  • But gender is not fluid or imagined. And teaching children that it is creates victims. The Spectator says, “It’s dangerous and wrong to tell children they’re ‘gender fluid.’
  • Other news:

  • Does Europe need a Leviathan government?
  • The Oregon militia standoff has come to an end.
  • U.S. colleges are teaching The Communist Manifesto.
  • Chinese cyberattacks can disrupt U.S. utilities.
  • Get more details on these stories and more by subscribing to the Trumpet Weekly!