Iran Blows Up Replica of U.S. Aircraft Carrier


On Wednesday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps destroyed a replica of a United States aircraft carrier. The Iranian military group targeted the replica during a military drill near the Strait of Hormuz.

Iranian state television showed footage of missiles striking the vessel. The missiles were fired from speedboats and from the coast. This was Iran’s first time to include a replica of a U.S. aircraft carrier in its military drills. The exercises also included shooting down a drone and planting undersea mines.

The Strait of Hormuz sees one fifth of the world’s seaborne oil transports. The Iranian Army also carried out naval drills near the strait in December.

Iran is currently negotiating a deal over its nuclear program with the U.S. and five other world powers. The U.S. had made many concessions to Iran, yet Wednesday’s military drill proves Iran’s hostile attitude toward the U.S. This is a strong indication of what Iran will do when it gains the military capabilities it seeks.