The Anti-Jewish Surge: No Big Deal—Right?

More people are hating Jews, and the Jews are afraid.

In the midst of chaos and violence in Ukraine, Iraq, Syria and Libya and an ongoing crisis at our own southern border, another major story is unfolding right now: All around the world, hatred for Jews is surging.

On Monday, the Israeli Knesset held an emergency meeting, not about Israel’s military operation in Gaza or about a political crisis in the Israeli government, but about the “rising wave of violent anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations sweeping Europe.”

As the Times of Israel reported, that meeting room was packed to capacity with people concerned about what is happening in Europe. One member of the Knesset said that some Jews in Europe are now so fearful that they feel they have to change their appearance when they leave the house.

Another Jewish leader at the meeting said, “Never before since the Holocaust have we seen such a situation as today. We are potentially looking at the beginning of another Holocaust now.”

This isn’t just rhetoric. This isn’t just one ethnic group complaining and trying to get attention. This is a situation that has gotten so bad that thousands of Jews are actually leaving Europe. Europeans in general may not all refuse to serve Jews at their establishments, burn cars, throw bricks through windows or intimidate Jews. But they tolerate those who do. These are the kind of things that happened before World War ii.

Anti-Jewish feelings are growing across Germany and across Europe. Watch today’s program and “Why So Much Hatred For Jews?” to see where this is leading.