Syrian Violence Threatens Golan Heights

On Thursday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that the 40-year ceasefire between Syria and Israel over the disputed Golan Heights region is threatened by Syria’s civil war.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the threat from Syria’s civil war on Thursday during a press conference in Poland.

[SOUNDBITE: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu]

“On Syria, both our countries are concerned about the terrible carnage occurring in that country. Israel is not a party to the internal conflict in Syria, but Israel will defend itself if attacked. And we reserve the right to act if our national security is threatened.”

Ban recommended bolstering the vulnerable UN peacekeeping force in the Golan by more than 300 troops to 1,250. He also advocated improving its self-defense equipment.

On Thursday, the UN Human Rights Council issued a new analysis of the Syrian death toll. From March 2011 to April 2013, the UN has documented 92,901 killings. However, UN Human Rights High Commissioner Navi Pillay said it was impossible to provide an exact current figure and suggested the figure is “potentially much higher.”

Where is the bloodshed in Syria leading? The UN sees the violence increasing, but what will be the final outcome? The answer can be found in your Bible. To know the ultimate outcome of the Syrian revolution, read “Syria in Civil War.”