Key of David

The ancient Greeks erected a monument to “the Unknown God.” To most people, the one true God is unknown! The whole world is deceived—but you don’t have to be. Discover the one true God who can change your life.

Winston Churchill was a warrior. God’s people must follow his example to become spiritual warriors. Discover how to become a valiant warrior for God.

Thousands of years ago, the Prophet Daniel foretold the violent times of the Gentiles that we are entering into today. The minds of human leaders are becoming like wild beasts—and the whole world will suffer horribly as a result. Discover the inspiring reason why God allows such a terrible tragedy.

God used one man of faith to shake the world and wreck the Soviet Empire. This man suffered in the gulag and turned hearts and minds with his powerful writing. Learn how he exposed the evils of the Soviet Union—and discover the life-saving power of real faith.

The Prophet Jeremiah collected and organized King David’s psalms in his book The Psalter of Tara. Jeremiah understood what your Bible reveals: that David was a man after God’s own heart. Understand how studying David’s psalms can put your life on God’s track.

Chaotic world events in this end time were foretold thousands of years ago by the Prophet Daniel. Get God’s perspective on all this—and discover what else will happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attacked Ukraine without reason—or so it seems. Actually, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine connects to America’s actions in Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

The two witnesses may be the most mysterious characters in the entire Bible. They have a vital role on the world scene in the near future.

Under President Donald Trump, the United States is holding China accountable more than ever before. How will this budding rivalry end?

God promises to test your faith in this life. Discover a proven strategy for passing the faith test.