Behind the Work

Behind the Work

God’s Work today is backed by a spiritual family of approximately 5,000 Philadelphia Church of God members and many more thousands of co-workers. The primary focus of a true Christian’s life is to contribute to the Work in any way possible, in the process preparing to teach the entire world in the near future. Tune in each Monday at 12 p.m. Central time for a behind-the-scenes look at the vibrant and exciting Work of the living God through interviews, feature stories, updates and statistical rundowns. With the help of the Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, you will also learn how the Work of God today relates to the spectacular, miraculous, five-decade work of the end-time Elijah.

We all want to stay active and productive. We push the pace—but we must also pace the push. Learn the vital importance of God’s health laws to His Work.

God needs supporters of His Work who are dynamically alive! Learn how to be the opposite of the Sardis era of God’s Church, which was spiritually dead.

Utopia is already here on Earth. Soon, the whole world will see it.

God’s youth camp starts today! Learn the vital purpose of Summer Educational Program in God’s Work.

In the Bible, God frequently uses military terms to describe the Christian life. Learn how God’s Work is organized as a spiritual military operation.

Every 18 months, the Philadelphia Church of God holds a ministerial conference in Edmond, Oklahoma. Learn why this event is so important to God.

Jesus Christ’s marvelous miracle of the fishes and loaves teaches us a lot about God’s Work.

God’s Work is in the midst of five massive projects this summer. Learn how to help!

Back in 1955, Herbert W. Armstrong warned of a dire threat to God’s Work: TELEVISION. Learn how this exciting new invention actually hurt the work—and how it is a much bigger problem for us today.

Everyone thought Noah was crazy—until the Flood came.