Key of David

The Almighty God is worthy of constant praise. He will soon exalt the lowly of the world to the highest positions of authority. The beautiful poetry of Psalm 113 points to a prophecy by Hannah about God’s master plan.

Recently, Key of David presenter Gerald Flurry addressed members of the Philadelphia Church of God during the Feast of Tabernacles. This segment of his presentation focuses on Psalm 76.

A frightening beast is rising on the world scene today. It cannot be compared to any beast we have ever seen before. This terrifying world superpower will afflict all mankind—except for those who obey God.

God’s loyal people in this end time are charged with delivering an urgent warning to the world. This warning is contained in a little book. Discover where to find this little book—and how it illuminates God’s path to glory.

God’s truth is simple. The greatest deception threatening true Christians in this end time is vain intellectualism. Understand how to combat the deadly weapon of worldly philosophy.

The James Webb Space Telescope makes the universe more visible than ever to mankind. Discover how viewing the universe can help you understand your incredible potential and marvelous future.

The great God highly values Jerusalem. So do His loyal people, who are commanded to proclaim, “Behold your God!” Here’s why Jerusalem is so special to God.

The Lost Century of God’s one true Church occurred from 70-170 A.D. The Apostle John is the only one to record this crucial history.

The ancient Greeks erected a monument to “the Unknown God.” To most people, the one true God is unknown! The whole world is deceived—but you don’t have to be. Discover the one true God who can change your life.

Winston Churchill was a warrior. God’s people must follow his example to become spiritual warriors. Discover how to become a valiant warrior for God.