Key of David

The ancient Israelite kingdom of David and Solomon was monumental and majestic. Archaeology says so! Learn about the world premiere of an unprecedented exhibit at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma, that puts together all the pieces of this lost kingdom.

Iran is fast becoming a formidable superpower. It is the biblically prophesied king of the south. Understand what God expects His loyal people to do with this information.

The Bible is called the book nobody knows, but you can unlock the seven fundamental mysteries of the world’s most important book.

Why does France hate America and Britain? Discover the biblical and historical proof that France will soon betray its World War allies.

The United States today is bitterly divided between two major political movements. What can we do to solve such a deadly problem? Find the solution in the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

One of the most alarming trends in this end time is the rise of artificial intelligence. AI has the potential to become a Frankenstein monster of our own design. Discover how the “dark sentences” of artificial intelligence are foretold in your Bible.

One thousand years before the scourging and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, God gave King David a vivid vision of that remarkable sacrifice. David recorded this powerful depiction of our Savior in Psalm 22. Understand the big lesson of Psalm 22.

The universe declares a marvelous message of hope for all mankind. Are you listening? Discover how the creation all around you is proof of a powerful, loving Creator—and your mind-staggering eternal future.

The Red Sea is a flashpoint in geopolitics today. Many nations want to control this vital shipping route. The battle for the Red Sea will trigger World War III!

The great God made an unbreakable promise to King David: David’s kingly line would last forever. Stop and think about this remarkable covenant—and how it includes you.