The World’s Next Superpower

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The World’s Next Superpower

America’s stunning decline is awakening a beast.

Numerous Bible prophecies spotlight a system of successive world-ruling Gentile kingdoms that culminate in the return of Jesus Christ. These successive “beasts,” as they are called, are discussed throughout the Bible, but especially in four prophetic chapters: Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation 13 and 17.

Daniel 2 describes four successive world-ruling empires: the Chaldean Empire, followed by Medo-Persia, then Greco-Macedonia, and finally the Roman Empire. These four kingdoms were prophesied to continue in succession right up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

In Daniel 7, the prophet describes four beasts, again representing four Gentile kingdoms, but with special emphasis on the fourth—the Roman Empire. This beast has 10 horns, which “are ten kings that shall arise” out of, or after, the Roman Empire (verse 24). Daniel also describes a “little horn” which grew among the 10 horns and uprooted the first three (verse 8). The meaning of this prophecy is made plain in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 13 only discusses one beast—representing the fourth and final kingdom, the Roman Empire. This beast had seven heads and ten horns, one head of which received a deadly wound.

The Roman Empire existed from 31 b.c. to a.d. 476, at which point the kingdom was crushed. But its deadly wound was healed just as John prophesied (verse 3). There were to be 10 resurrections to come out of that Roman Empire (just as Daniel said), the first three of which were uprooted by the “little horn”—implying that they were not altogether Roman, but nevertheless ruled within the ancient Roman territory after the empire collapsed. And that’s what happened. Three barbaric tribes did rule in the region before Justinian restored the Roman Empire in a.d. 554 and effectively “healed” the deadly wound.

Revelation 17 fills in the remaining details. In this chapter, once again John describes a beast with seven heads, but none of these heads is wounded. This time a woman, which throughout the Bible symbolizes a church, is riding the beast. She is called a whore in verse 1, and therefore symbolizes a great false church that rides, or heavily influences, this geopolitical beast.

Comparing the historical record with these prophecies makes the meaning undeniably clear. When Justinian recognized the supremacy of the pope in 554, the Roman Empire was revived. And because of its close association with the Vatican, it eventually assumed the name Holy Roman Empire. Counting Justinian’s empire, there have been six major, historically documented resurrections of the so-called Holy Roman Empire—all of which have been heavily influenced, and in some cases dominated, by the Vatican.

The seventh prophesied empire is now forming in the heart of Europe.

An Unstable Mixture

Those who scoff at the thought of Europe’s disparate group of social democracies ever becoming the world’s next superpower fail to realize that this is exactly how God said it would happen! Daniel 2 describes the final resurrection of the Roman Empire as being an unstable mixture of iron and clay. And we are now in the early stages of economic emergency that will bring these many nations together as the world’s next superpower. The Bible says they will receive their power for “one hour with the beast”—a period that only lasts for about 2½ years. Though short-lived, this awakening beast will display all of the iron-like strength and force of its Roman predecessors.

The stunning demise of the United States as the world’s lone superpower is only hastening along these prophetic realities. As Charles Krauthammer explains in his latest essay, Washington’s radical swing left has set the United States “on course for decline.” In fact, the United States has been on this course for some time now—long before President Obama moved into the White House. But it is true that this radical administration is helping to accelerate America’s demise as a world power.

The new liberalism, as Krauthammer calls it, envisions a much weaker, less dominant America that plays on a level field with every other nation. And as it happens, this abandonment of international primacy abroad perfectly complements the massive expansion of Euro-style domestic programs at home. “At a time when hundreds of billions of dollars are being lavished on stimulus and other appropriations in an endless array of domestic programs, the defense budget is practically frozen,” he writes.

The Europeans, on the other hand, “made the choice long ago to devote their resources to a vast welfare state. Their expenditures on defense are minimal, as are their consequent military capacities.” They’ve been able to afford their social democracies, Krauthammer explains, so long as America has been able to police the world.

But who will stand guard for America if we abandon our military might in favor of massive domestic expenditures, Krauthammer wonders.

Of equal concern, prophetically speaking, what will Europe—the world’s largest economy—do once it realizes that America no longer has its back?

Prophecy tells! As soon as that motley mix of iron and clay coalesces together in support of its prophesied emperor, working in cahoots with the church in Rome, a beast will reawaken in the heart of Europe and turn its attention outward, breaking in pieces “all things,” Daniel prophesied. This will be the seventh and final resurrection of the “Holy” Roman Empire.

Immediately after that, Jesus Christ will establish God’s government on Earth!