Pope Slams Liberal Priests


Pope Benedict xvi delivered a rare denunciation of some Catholic priests on Thursday. Benedict reprimanded priests who have questioned Catholic teachings about celibacy and the ordination of women, saying these church leaders are acting selfishly by deciding to disobey his authority.

In 2006, several Austrian priests launched an initiative to abolish celibacy for priests and to open up the clergy to women. Benedict said that although these priests claim to be concerned for the Catholic Church, they are actually working to remake the church according to their own preferences.

The priests at the receiving end of Benedict’s disapproval represent a faction of liberal European Catholics. These Catholics hope their church’s future will lean away from tradition and toward modernism instead. Although this movement seems to have some traction in secular and liberal Europe, the world will soon see something very different arise in the Catholic Church. The Vatican is about to engineer the most extreme conservative transformation in Catholic history, which will crush the liberal elements of Catholicism.

The Catholic Church will be able to pull off this revolution thanks in large part to Islam. Islamists are pushing harder and harder against Europe, both from without and from within. As this Islamic tide crests, watch for Europe’s non-Muslim populations to rally behind the papacy. The result will produce the most unchallenged, powerful pope the world has ever seen.