Iran Has Enough Uranium for Nuke

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Iran Has Enough Uranium for Nuke

Iran has accumulated over a ton of low enriched uranium hexafluoride at a facility in Natanz, according to an International Atomic Energy Agency report released last Thursday. If this quantity of uranium is further enriched, it could yield more than 44 pounds of fissile material. This amount of fissile material would be enough for a nuclear bomb, says the Financial Times.

The Iranians already have 3,000 centrifuges at work enriching uranium, and their president has announced that they want to build 50,000 more centrifuges in order to meet their enrichment goals. Once America and the rest of the Western world let Iran develop its uranium enrichment program to the point where it can produce weapons-grade uranium, it will only be a short time before a nuclear bomb can be constructed.

National security official David Albright, the head of the Institute for Science and International Security, said: “If Iran did decide to build nuclear weapons, it’s entering an era in which it could do so quickly.”

An Iranian bomb is an enormous threat. Will it take the detonation of an Iranian nuke on an American or Israeli city to wake us to that fact?

For more information on Iran’s nuclear aspirations, read “Nuclear Iran Means Nuclear War.”