Homosexuals as Role Models in British Schools

“Mum and Dad” is taboo, and boys should not be told to “be a man,” says a new government report.

The UK government has published a shocking report calling for schools to promote an increasingly homosexual agenda. With the title “Homophobic Bullying,” the report is one of the biggest attacks on the family by the British government to date.

Here are some of its more disturbing pieces of advice:

Encourage role models. Openly gay staff, governors, parents/carers and/or pupils can all be strong role models for the school …. Pupils, especially gay pupils, can benefit from knowing positive lesbian and gay role models. …Gender roles: Schools can perpetuate a rigid view of the ways in which boys should behave and act. Boys who are told to “be a man” and to stop behaving like a “bunch of women,” are therefore discouraged from being themselves, and leads to bullying of those who do not conform to fixed ideas about gender.

As the Trumpet wrote several years ago:

But many would agree that there are not many impressive leaders today, providing effective ways to deal with international conflicts, racial tensions, urban and rural violence, failing global and national economies, poverty, famine, growing disease epidemics and unexpected natural disasters.Honest observers recognize that this world is on a collision course with these problems. Who is being prepared to provide solutions, make plans and carry out decisions? We must conclude that our modern crisis of leadership is really a crisis of education.

How are we ever going to develop the strong, mature male leaders this world so desperately needs, if boys cannot even be told to “be a man”? No wonder real men are such a rarity today. The Trumpet article continued:

We must also recognize the impact of the feminist movement on leadership. Male leadership, especially the role of the father, has been under attack for decades. The feminist movement has led the charge.In his article “The Crisis of Manliness,” Prof. Walter R. Newell wrote, “The last 30 years have witnessed a prolonged effort at social engineering throughout our public and educational institutions. Its purpose is to eradicate any psychological and emotional differences between men and women, on the grounds that any concept of manliness inevitably leads to arrogance and violence towards women ….”This experiment was meant to reduce violence and tensions between the sexes. And yet, during this same period, ‘macho’ violence and stress between men and women may well have increased. Recent crime statistics suggest as much in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom—the countries where the feminist social experiment stigmatizing manliness has had the greatest latitude to prove itself” (Weekly Standard, Aug. 3, 1998). Wanting to replace male authority with female supremacy, the women’s movement has ridiculed and maligned the male role in the family.All male energy, decisiveness and action is considered wrongful aggression by feminists. It is true that male authority can be abused; however, positive male energy, decisiveness and action solves problems—society’s problems.

This government report is yet another step in the war against male leadership. For more information, see our booklet Conspiracy Against Fatherhood.

Here’s another snippet from the report:

Schools should make efforts to talk inclusively about same-sex parents, for example, avoid assuming all pupils will have a “mum and dad.” When schools discuss marriage, they may also discuss civil partnership and adoption rights for gay people.

The report tells teachers to avoid using the term “mum and dad.” Worse, it instructs teachers to tell their students that same-sex relationships are fine and normal, just as healthy as traditional family. The following is what is to be taught to students from the ages of 4 to 7: “Pupils understand that not all pupils have a mum and a dad, and might have important people in their life who are gay. Pupils respect these differences.”

Older students are to be taught that “Families work for lots of reasons—not just because they have a mum and a dad. Same-sex parents can make good families.”

This shameless indoctrination flies in the face of the model of strong family rooted not only in history and biology, but in inerrant biblical instruction. Schools have joined a culture-wide, full-out war against family.

For more information, see our article “War Over Marriage.” Do you want to lean more? Our free booklet Why Marriage! Soon Obsolete? gives a stirring explanation of the true reasons for marriage and family. The Missing Dimension in Sex goes further into the God-ordained purposes for sex. The Incredible Human Potential explains in hope-filled detail the inspiring future these institutions are intended to prepare us for. You need this knowledge! You need the genuine hope that comes from a deep understanding of the beautiful, inspiring vision of the God Family!