Polish Parallels With America


The Bible reveals the existence of a real, personal devil behind much of the evil in this world. And it has much to say about how he operates. Daniel 8 details anciently how he used Antiochus iv Epiphanes to try and blot out the Jews. Today, he uses men typed by Antiochus to attack God’s Church, to bring down the United States, and to raise up a new military power in Europe that will destroy America and more (article, “Watch This Man Closely,” page 10).

Daniel 8:12 says that these evil men triumph “by reason of transgression.” It happens “because there is so much sin within the people,” Gerald Flurry explains in his book America Under Attack. “This is not merely a problem of one man at the top with a lawless spirit. He would never have achieved the heights of power if not for a massive crisis of lawbreaking throughout the nation!”

Is it coincidence that Germany gained the upper hand in Poland after a corruption scandal within Poland’s visa department?

Then, like Antiochus anciently, once this evil spirit gained control, it “cast down the truth to the ground.” It spreads lies and tries to stop the truth going out. Within a week of coming into office, one of Donald Tusk’s top priorities was a lawless effort to get control of Poland’s television news stations.

“When Satan attacked God’s Church in this end time, he got people in at the top who cast the truth to the ground,” wrote Mr. Flurry. “Satan has used the same tactics when attacking America and the modern-day nations of Israel. … This is the most efficient and potent way to destroy: from the top down. The devil can use those leaders to wage an assault from within on the truth and the law. This is a core characteristic of the work of a Satan-inspired ‘Antiochus.’ The Antiochus figure prophesied in Daniel 8 is a lawless man. He is unconstrained by the law of God, and even by the laws of man.”

The events in Poland bear all the hallmarks of this European Antiochus we have been watching for. That’s not to say Donald Tusk is that Antiochus; we expect that man to come from Germany. But the spirit of Antiochus is clearly rising in Europe. Watch for some rapid changes.