China Outsells U.S. in Tech Goods

In 2004, for the first time, China sold more information technology goods than the United States. Does this new record have military implications?

In May, China demonstrated how seriously it takes technological dominance when Chinese computer maker Lenovo paid $1.75 billion to purchase the personal computer arm of ibm. Now, a report from the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development shows that the Chinese had already overtaken the U.S. in 2004. Exports of information and computer technology increased 46 percent—to $180 billion—in just one year.

Coupled with Chinese moves to assign its own standards to technology, many analysts have concluded that Beijing wants to control the tech market worldwide.

What might not be so evident, however, are the military implications of this technological boom.

Rick Fisher, vice president of the International Assessment and Strategy Center in Washington, said, “The People’s Liberation Army is moving very quickly to adopt practically every information-related aspect of military technology that the U.S. is pursuing at this time” (New York Times, December 11).

The New York Times called the cooperation between the Chinese military industry, information technology companies, and government research and development groups a “‘digital triangle’ that supports the country’s rapid military modernization.”

A November report to Congress from the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission said that China’s repositioning itself at the center of the technology supply chain is “raising the prospect of future U.S. dependency on China for certain items critical to the U.S. defense industry as well as vital to continued economic leadership” (ibid.). Fisher warned that the Chinese have the money to turn their ideas into weapons.

What’s more, on December 12, the head of a leading security institute (sans), Alan Paller, said that efforts to hack U.S. government and industry computers were probably the work of the Chinese military. After explaining that the attacks were traced to the Chinese province of Guangdong, Paller said the attackers “were in and out with no keystroke errors and left no fingerprints, and created a backdoor in less than 30 minutes. How can this be done by anyone other than a military organization?” (China Post,December 14).

The story here is two-fold.

First, while the U.S. export of information technology is still growing, the leadership position is gone—and it isn’t coming back. In accordance with biblical prophecy, the U.S. is losing its superpower status in one area after another, continually overtaken by China and the European Union. Now that the U.S. has been overtaken in technology exports, we can expect its growth to slow and eventually become a bona fide decline.

Second, the United States really has nothing to fear from a direct military attack by the Chinese, but dependency on any foreign power leaves a country in a weak position militarily. Ezekiel 7:14 tells us about a time when the trumpet will blow—signaling that war is at hand—but no one goes to battle. This could very likely be a result of mission-critical military systems compromised by cyberattacks or other foreign-initiated sabotage.

The U.S. is allowing itself to be marginalized by the Chinese economically. Does Washington place enough value on technological leadership to prevent future disasters? Bible prophecy says no.